Western culture is full of double standards, catholic guilt has been replaced with plastic remorse. We contribute to inequality and climate change every time we import fruit, fast fashion or electricity; despite how much we convince ourselves that we recycle and buy fair trade coffee.
As the world has gone global the values of equality, fraternity, and liberty have not. Being a Republic at home and part of the imperial machine abroad is a difficult concept, we balance ideology with opportunity, often choosing convenience and cheap commodities without considering the cost of production, the politics behind an avocado, or the truth behind products like palm oil.
Perhaps identifying as a Republican is difficult in a broad world dominated by globalisation. In the modern world it could be hard to stay true to our values without resorting to a life of asceticism. Closed borders choke prosperity and diplomacy is required to trade with neighbours we might not fully agree with.
However one symbol we should value, understand and remain true to is our national flag which represents unity between green and orange. It’s a symbol of peace and its meaning is honoured by our domestic actions. So whatever being republican means in the modern world, being true to our flag should be an easier undertaking. Anyone corrupting the meaning of the tricolour to broadcast nationalist rhetoric is nothing short of being a traitor to peace and ignorant to what it means to have a shared Ireland under one flag.