Enda Kenny made the trip on the back of some outrageous comments made by the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, in which he associated the Irish people with the old stereotype that we’re a degenerate culture of drunks and insinuated that we merely participate in the backdrop of a society run by a higher order, commenting;
‘It’s been said of us that the English made the laws, the Scots made the money and the Irish made the songs’.
So instead of focusing on the Irish immigrants in America, Enda Kenny has been busy defending visa hungry Irish in Australia against patronising comments made by their Prime Minister, who’s view of a rush of talented young Irish people into his country in the last number of years has been summed up as a great opportunity to have ‘a Guiness or two or maybe even three’, without any acknowledgment of the contribution the young Irish people are making to the Australian economy.
"Anyone wearing orange is not welcome in here--only joking."
How does a man like Joe Biden continue to make comments which show a complete lack of diplomacy, to openly disrespect the fundamental values of the Irish flag, a symbol of peace and unity between Gaelic (green) Ireland and the plantation Irish or followers of William of Orange.
St Patrick’s day is not a day for green Irish, it’s a day for all Irish, green and orange, north and south. It’s a day for peace, to celebrate culture, and to reflect on what it means to be Irish whether you’re in Australia, America, Armagh, or Achil island.
I hope to see plenty of green and orange flying later and wish everyone reading this a Happy St Patrick’s Day.