Why is it that in a democratic society we deal with gaping inequality and mass poverty? Democracy is the collective power of the people, and the majority of people are decent individuals, charitable, and fair minded.
So how do we end up with politicians who deny climate change, normalise homelessness, and ignore the basic needs of the people?
The answer is that people aren’t educated in democracy and as a result democracy fails the people. Democracy may be an imperfect ideology but it is a powerful tool that can safeguard equality. However if people aren’t thought how to use it then democracy becomes a form of corrupt government powered by the votes of an ill informed jury of children.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote; "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render even them safe, their minds must be improved to a certain degree."
A state’s investment in its education is the only method it has to safeguard its democracy. If there is vast inequality in the education system a state is simply sowing the seeds of inequality and disruption. Without the potential of enlightenment through the education of ethics and political philosophy people will continue to select candidates who misrepresent their core values and humane instincts to care for the poor.
Inequality in education is the biggest threat we are facing in society right now, it has lead to a colossal disconnect with politics, the rise of demagogues, and the lack of accountability in government. The education system needs to be reassessed and revamped if we are to get serious about creating a just society and eradicating poverty.
(Picture is of a DC art exhibit which features an Ivanka Trump look-alike vacuuming....because that's where smash & grab democracy has taken us)