One difference is that America can change the direction they are heading in. That's the beauty of democracy, something that's not seen or heard of in country's on lockdown, country's that avoid elections like England and their UK servant states.
But back to the King of capitalism. Trump is a one time fake president who will spend the rest of his life avoiding jail in the same way Henry Hill Jr avoided the Mafia. His supporters are white nationalists, jingoistic middle class deplorables, and some very wealthy business people. The middle ground who had nothing to lose have gained nothing but lost everything. They no longer support the wild card despot who can't even spell his own wife's name. Trump is embarrassing America.
In 2016, Trump won Michigan's 16 electoral votes by a margin of fewer than 11,000 votes. A margin of roughly 78,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin was enough to deliver Trump the presidency. According to a recent MSNBC poll, Trump is set to lose Michigan and Wisconsin by a landslide. His presidency will be remembered as one of the worst periods in American history but thankfully it is coming to an end. In 2021 the Trump reign will be over and the world will begin to recover from a period of Twitter politics and Trump division, reluctantly known as The Age of Trump.
This is an extract from the August newsletter. Picture contributed by @foxyslattery..... worth a google for some more explicit content.